Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Good bye Birth to Three Program!!!

It is with a great deal of pride that today, even without the silly cap and gown, my son had a huge graduation...
3 years ago I remember this specific moment... I was in a room full of surgeons, geneticists and doctors having a "care conference" at Seattle Children's when Bennett was at one of his sickest moments. We were talking about what goals we had for Bennett's health and how to get us there. I tried to keep up on all the health information and I just looked at all of them and said "5 years from now I want to send an average little boy to kindergarten with all the same opportunities that all the other kids have" and today I am celebrating this victory 2 years earlier than I thought...
He has been part of the Birth to Three program that makes sure kids with a rough start can catch up as much as possible in the first couple years. Through this program he received gross motor therapy, speech therapy and a social and cognitive education through a toddler group for over two years. He qualified at 3 months old because he was deemed to be delayed in many areas due to his prematurity and his rough medical start. After his evaluation at 3 years old it is safe to say Bennett is a huge success story of this program. He is developmentally on track in every area and we couldn't be more proud and thankful for this program. He will be heading off to an main stream preschool program at the Hands on Children's Museum in the fall and I must say I am so excited for him to be independent on his own for a couple hours a week. I know he will thrive there and I am happy for him to be making that great step!
So this week was his very last toddler group and after 26 months there it was kinda bitter sweet to celebrate such a huge success with Bennett and also say goodbye to the school, families and teachers that I have spent a couple hours every week with for over two years. To mark this great milestone Daddy and Grandma Ruth both surprised him separately the last two toddler groups. When each of them walked in to the class room he lit up and said "That's my Daddy!" and "Hi Grandma! Lets go play at my School!!!"
And tonight was the end of the year BBQ... I cant not believe we are moving on... This is the first of many "last days of school" and I will make a prediction that I will be the mom sobbing at preschool graduation two years from now. It is happening so fast.. He is becoming a little man and at every milestone I think "I have never been so proud" and then he surprises us again and again. We love you buddy!!!
Making some lunch for Daddy
 Reading Daddy any book that talks about tractors...
 Ring around the rosie...
 Making a train picture for Grandma Ruth...
 Enjoying circle time... so proud that his Grandma was there
 Daddy was asked to man the BBQ for the night... he loved it and Bennett was proud
 One of our favorites... Laurel was Bennetts Physical Therapist since he was about 3 months old... she is going to be a Grandma soon and she is already an amazing one :)
 The team! Teacher Helen, Teacher Laurel, Teacher Terry and Teacher Karen... Thank you ALL!

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