Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another goodbye for Summer

Bennett has been doing to well lately we are taking the summer off from our weekly speech appointments and reassessing in the fall... It is so fun to be at this point and I am shocked at how well he has done over the years with his speech ... another great celebration for our little guy!
So every Thursday morning at 9 we have met with Nancy since he was about 13 months old. She originally worked on eating and has worked on speech mostly over the last couple years. I can not tell you how many people have told me he is a great talker that didn't even know what he has been through... and after I tell them that he had 2/3 of his tongue removed they are usually shocked. He has done so well and I know that it is due to the hard work we have done with Nancy every week.
Not only is she an amazing speech therapist but she has fielded 99% of my crazy parenting questions. I have vented to her about tantrums, diet, sleeping questions, school issues and breastfeeding disasters. Not only has she helped me through most of my mommy meltdowns over the years but she has also celebrated some great moments. She was as excited as we were when Bennett said his first words, called me mama for the first time, started using full sentences, was potty trained, she supported us when we were trying to adopt and was so excited when I found out I was pregnant with Annie.
We feel sooo lucky to have such an amazing speech therapist for Bennett but also I feel lucky to have her as a great friend. Thank you Nancy for everything you do.
 Annie sat and chatted up a storm during our last session... Nancy and I actually had to speak up over her... so cute!

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