Saturday, June 16, 2012

Annie June 4 Months Old Already!

Annie has spent yet another month lighting up our lives :) I can not believe she is already 4 months old, that is already 1/3 of a year! I feel like I have known her forever and just met her all at the same time.
So time for another Everything Annie "baby book style" update... First of all, she has suddenly without us really trying either way has taken on the name Annie. I love the name Anna but every time I look at her and go to say it out loud "Annie" just comes out. It is funny because we always thought Bennett would go by "Benn" but he is sooo not a Benn and then Anna is here and she is so an "Annie" Oh well she will just have two names we love that she can choose from when she is old enough... till then she is our little Annie girl.
Speaking of "little" she is tiny. I constantly hear "oh my gosh she is cute, how old is she?? she is tiny!!" I guess when she is bouncing around in the sling at the grocery store looking a bit like a newborn size holding her head up and looking around cooing it is kinda funny :) She definitely is hard to get around with because I have every woman in the grocery store stopping to get a quick smile from my girl... (and she nearly always gives them what they want :) Last time we checked at the Doctor 3 weeks ago she was in the 35% for weight and 4% for height, yep folks that is the single digits for height... looks like she might take after her Grandma Sandy in this category and we love it :)
So new things Annie for this month... I must say the biggest change is her talking, or what she seems to think is full on communicating... She yammers all day long... open mouth vocal sounds mostly but I love hearing whatever it is she is saying. She talks up a storm mostly when she is hungry, bored, happy or chewing on her hands, and you can usually tell which depending on her tone. I just love all of it and when it is thrown in with little giggles and it is just pure magic. She loves just looking around and telling the world all about it, something that I will learn to be less enchanted with as she becomes a teenager I am sure.
Another new thing... Rolling. I admit I am celebrating this milestone a little prematurely but we are half rolling over here and we are pretty excited about it. She rolls over both shoulders from front to back after I prop her shoulder. She is such a content baby I am pretty sure she will just sit on that cute bottom until she is well past walking age so I was super surprised to see her interest in rolling.
She has been taking more bottles lately, giving mom a bit more freedom with the pumping schedule but still prefers to breastfeed and I am totally ok with that.
Her most favorite things are sitting on our laps and talking to us, her gym, bath time in the kitchen sink tub, looking at herself in the mirror while we get ready in the bathroom and walking with mama in the sling. Some of her current dislikes... getting in her car seat, me putting her in something like the highchair or swing and walking away (this usually always initiates crying) and she still hates sleeping in anything other than her portable bassinet or our bed... both she is growing out of quickly.
So that seems to be about everything "new" in Annie's world. Everyday I feel so lucky for our little family and the special place Annie has filled in it. She is my special little peanut girl and I love her more each day.

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