Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Lady at Two Months

I am in complete shock that our pretty little girl is already two months old. Time has flown by and she has already changed so much. I am going to attempt not to jinx myself but Anna J. is by far the easiest and sweetest little baby in the world (so far). She sleeps great (consistently 6 hour stretches at night, waking up at 3 am like clockwork to eat and back to sleep until 6:30), breastfeeds like a champ and smiles the sweetest smiles I have ever seen.
We went to our 2 month check up on Monday and here are the stats... Our little peanut is not such a peanut anymore, She was riding right at the 25% for height and weight at her 2 week check up but now she is up to the 55% for height, 46% for weight and 50% for head circumference. That is equivalent to 10 lbs, 10 oz and 23 inches long.
Some things that I am praying I will lock into memory about our little girl's first couple months...
She likes her Soothies binkies even though they are not half as cute as the maams pink binkys I had ready for her. She loves her sling and hates being toted around in her car seat. Shes a way bigger fan of breast feeding and not sold on the bottle at all (must work on this before wine tasting trips this summer :) She still prefers to sleep in her portable bassinet and has yet to spend a night in the pretty wooden one we originally had set up. She will fall asleep or go all zen mode on us at the sound of our shower or the treadmill (thank god because this mama has some working out to do and fitting in a shower afterward is sometimes tricky). She loves listening to people talk to her and consistently gives them huge grins and a new little growling sound that will someday morph into a giggle I am sure. She (or maybe it's mama) loves her baby leggings! We rocks them most of the time with a onsie and gets lots of cute comments and are super easy to stay warm without overheating. And the last little memory is that this girl has some gas... I swear Joel doesn't even need to set his alarm clock any more... she wakes up every morning around 6:30 with some huge man gas that could wake us both up... lets hope this is something she grows out of before she is a teenager :)
Ok here are some of our pictures this week... I must say, one of the prettiest babies in the world :)
 My three favorite people... I am one lucky Mama.
 Another zen place... Mom's side of the bed, no matter how cranky she is she will happily look around, loving this snuggly place.

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