It is moments like this morning that truly remind me how lucky in life I have been. Of course today is meant for me to think about how lucky we are that our little boy that was born too early 3 years ago has been a fighter and is a happy healthy 3 year old....But I must admit there was another whole kind of thankfulness that I experienced today... Each time another member of Team Bennett found us at the park this morning proudly wearing their team Bennett baby blue shirt my heart would get sooo happy. He has such great Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, cousins and dear friends. I love what this day is all about and the feeling I walked away from the park with was overwhelming gratefulness.... So many people out to help us support this great cause!
Just like last year Joel and I have been the Family Team Chairs for Thurston County for the March for Babies (March of Dimes) It has been a ton of fun this year and this morning was the official walk! We have been trying to explain to him what this day means to us and why we participate. We told him that it was a special day that we all want to spend thinking about how happy we are that Bennett doesn't have to go to the Dr anymore and how worried we were when he was born. This morning as we were talking about it again he looked at me and said "A special day? It's my Birthday at the Lake?!" He was so excited I let him go with that easier explanation for at least one more year... and I said "yep buddy, kinda like your birthday!"
It was at Heritage Park here in Olympia and the skies were nearly clear and the friends and family were heart warming... I can not say thank you enough to everyone that has supported our Team Bennett.
Olsen family!
Joel spoke during the presentation... Bennett was oh so helpful
Grandma and Grandpa and the special boy
Rocking the bounce house
Our newest member of Team Bennett!
Olsen family!
Joel spoke during the presentation... Bennett was oh so helpful
Grandma and Grandpa and the special boy
Rocking the bounce house
Our newest member of Team Bennett!