Saturday, April 28, 2012

March for Babies 2012

It is moments like this morning that truly remind me how lucky in life I have been. Of course today is meant for me to think about how lucky we are that our little boy that was born too early 3 years ago has been a fighter and is a happy healthy 3 year old....But I must admit there was another whole kind of thankfulness that I experienced today... Each time another member of Team Bennett found us at the park this morning proudly wearing their team Bennett baby blue shirt my heart would get sooo happy. He has such great Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, cousins and dear friends. I love what this day is all about and the feeling I walked away from the park with was overwhelming gratefulness.... So many people out to help us support this great cause!
Just like last year Joel and I have been the Family Team Chairs for Thurston County for the March for Babies (March of Dimes) It has been a ton of fun this year and this morning was the official walk! We have been trying to explain to him what this day means to us and why we participate. We told him that it was a special day that we all want to spend thinking about how happy we are that Bennett doesn't have to go to the Dr anymore and how worried we were when he was born. This morning as we were talking about it again he looked at me and said "A special day? It's my Birthday at the Lake?!" He was so excited I let him go with that easier explanation for at least one more year... and I said "yep buddy, kinda like your birthday!"
It was at Heritage Park here in Olympia and the skies were nearly clear and the friends and family were heart warming... I can not say thank you enough to everyone that has supported our Team Bennett.
 Olsen family!
 Joel spoke during the presentation... Bennett was oh so helpful
 Grandma and Grandpa and the special boy
 Rocking the bounce house
 Our newest member of Team Bennett!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Beautiful Beach!

This weekend we spent a beautiful weekend away with my sisters and their families... and it was sure an amazing one.
I can not even count how many times my sisters and I stopped and said "Wow, we are lucky!" not just for the amazing weather this weekend at Seaside, but also for how we can have weekends like this with our best friends, our husbands that get a long a little too well and our kids that will grow up as close as siblings... and we all realize how special it is to be part of!
We packed a ton into the weekend... both Saturday and Sunday we were on the beach right after a big breakfast and it was so warm we played with the kids in tank tops and enjoyed a California like beach with thousands of people. We went to the aquarium to feed the seals, flew the Red Baron (Bennett's new kite) played in the pool, rode the carousel, had a dessert surprise birthday party for ME (loved it), ate pronto pup hot dogs, the kids napped great in the hotel and we made great meals.
It was a special weekend and I cant wait to get out with my sisters and the families again!
 We couldn't even had dreamed it was going to be this beautiful...
 My two kite pilots!
 The Red Baron's maiden flight...
 Annie getting in some nap time... maybe Daddy was up a bit late the night before with the Uncles...
 Prettiest bikini babe I saw all day!
 Sneaking in a bit of vitamin D... I swear we were shade bound 99% of the day... I forget how hard it is to keep kids in the shade.
 Slumber party!
 It isnt until I see pictures that I realize how similar we look...
 Oh boy I love these two guys!
 The six kiddos... love them all so much!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Lady at Two Months

I am in complete shock that our pretty little girl is already two months old. Time has flown by and she has already changed so much. I am going to attempt not to jinx myself but Anna J. is by far the easiest and sweetest little baby in the world (so far). She sleeps great (consistently 6 hour stretches at night, waking up at 3 am like clockwork to eat and back to sleep until 6:30), breastfeeds like a champ and smiles the sweetest smiles I have ever seen.
We went to our 2 month check up on Monday and here are the stats... Our little peanut is not such a peanut anymore, She was riding right at the 25% for height and weight at her 2 week check up but now she is up to the 55% for height, 46% for weight and 50% for head circumference. That is equivalent to 10 lbs, 10 oz and 23 inches long.
Some things that I am praying I will lock into memory about our little girl's first couple months...
She likes her Soothies binkies even though they are not half as cute as the maams pink binkys I had ready for her. She loves her sling and hates being toted around in her car seat. Shes a way bigger fan of breast feeding and not sold on the bottle at all (must work on this before wine tasting trips this summer :) She still prefers to sleep in her portable bassinet and has yet to spend a night in the pretty wooden one we originally had set up. She will fall asleep or go all zen mode on us at the sound of our shower or the treadmill (thank god because this mama has some working out to do and fitting in a shower afterward is sometimes tricky). She loves listening to people talk to her and consistently gives them huge grins and a new little growling sound that will someday morph into a giggle I am sure. She (or maybe it's mama) loves her baby leggings! We rocks them most of the time with a onsie and gets lots of cute comments and are super easy to stay warm without overheating. And the last little memory is that this girl has some gas... I swear Joel doesn't even need to set his alarm clock any more... she wakes up every morning around 6:30 with some huge man gas that could wake us both up... lets hope this is something she grows out of before she is a teenager :)
Ok here are some of our pictures this week... I must say, one of the prettiest babies in the world :)
 My three favorite people... I am one lucky Mama.
 Another zen place... Mom's side of the bed, no matter how cranky she is she will happily look around, loving this snuggly place.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The cutest sunshine babes on the planet

Ok so we weren't soaking up some rays on the beach but honestly I couldn't have been happier... It is funny how after 6 months of terrible weather one day of 65 degrees and sunny can feel like a tropical vacation.
We spent all morning out in the sun! The little lady spent time in her bouncer under a blanket tent and out on the grass on a  blanket (I forgot how hard it is to keep babies in the shade all the time). Bennett ran out and said "I ride my red bike I got from Santa!" and he jumped on it and off he went down the drive way pedalling away. We have been encouraging it for months but it wasn't until he saw his older cousins riding it yesterday that he got really excited... between giving up his binky, potty training and riding his big boy bike, he has done a ton of growing up lately and I kinda wish he would stop it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

This year we were able to fit in both sides of the family again and it was a fun, crazy busy weekend and Bennett loved every second of it. Saturday we spent with the Aunties and Uncles down at Grandma and Grandpa Jones' even though they weren't there... We made sushi and had an egg hunt. The kids always have so much fun together just playing like crazy!
The Easter Bunny came to Grandma and Grandpas and then we came home to get ready for Grandma and Grandpa Olsen to come visit. The whole gang came and we colored eggs, the three little boys played outside the whole day. It was beautiful out and it was a great day with family!
Look at all this delish sushi we made... YUM!!!
It's not really Easter unless you east the ears off a chocolate bunny!
Notice how in the background my son is drinking the purple die...
 Checking out the loot...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Easter Bunny is Coming...

So this year I had this beautiful little Easter dress to pick out and I knew I wanted to sew my own... but as Easter week quickly was approaching and I had no idea how to sew a small dress I decided to sew something a little more simple and long lasting... Easter Baskets.
They turned out pretty darn cute. Bennett was calling it his "bunny bucket" for some reason but as the week went along and we talked more and more about the Easter Bunny and how he asked his mommy to make the basket so that he had something to leave all the Easter treats in, he was more and more delighted.
My Sewing team... not so much help... (When we found out our little lady was on the way I gave up my sewing room and when I have a project started I have to bring out the folding table and set up the sewing station in our master bedroom.... please notice the bouncy 3 year old, crying newborn and large slobbery dog, just a bit more challenging than it used to be :)
 You are Welcome Easter Bunny, all ready for ya to come and leave your treats!
Oh boy the Easter Bunny was came to Grandma and Grandpas!
 Bennett loves the Easter Bunny... Thanks for his Diego toys, Umizoomi coloring book and of course some peeps!