With how great our little lady has been doing at home I did not expect to be blogging from a Children's Hospital anytime soon... but here we are at Mary Bridge with out little lady hooked up to many cords and monitors. Let me start by saying that everything is fine... She is working her way to better health and should be home today or tomorrow good as new.
On Wednesday I started thinking that my little girl wasn't acting like her adorable perky self around noon. I took her temp and everything was fine so I put her down for a nap. At around two I could tell she didn't feel good and I called her pediatrician they said to come in and check it out just because she is only 5 weeks old. By the time I got to the office she had a low grade fever of 100.4. The Dr looked at us with an apologetic frown and told us that we were going to have to head to the ER at St Pete's or Mary Bridge just to get a work up and make sure it isn't a bad infection that would need early intervention. So I decided Mary Bridge would be a better bet for a little kiddo like Annie and away we went. We got here Wednesday evening and she was 100.6. So the rule of thumb is if the child is under 8 weeks old and has a fever of 100.5 or higher they get a standard work up of blood work, IV antibiotics and even a spinal tap. We were devastated over the next few hours seeing our little lady poked and crying.
I knew she still didn't feel well and over this whole time I was also dealing with a terrible cold (probably the same one she has) and it just broke my heart that she would feel as bad as me and even worse because she is so little.
So 2 days later we are still here on our required 48 hour stay to run the antibiotics and she is looking like she is on the mend. She has kept her temp under 100.0 for over 36 hours now and she is definitely looking more like her happy sweet self.
It have been a rough few days but thanks to every ones great thoughts and prayers it looks like we just have a little tiny baby with a bad cold. And a special thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Jones for watching big brother... I am sure he is delighted to get this extra time with you guys!
Here are some pictures from our stay after she was feeling a bit better... Hoping to get some of those big grins on camera soon but no such luck yet...
Goofy half grin...
Let's not have to do this again... no fun!
The first few weeks of Annie's life have been completely different than her brother's but one event they share is having their first big smile session at a hospital hooked up to many wires. On her second day here we snuggled in the middle of the night and she started smiling... like big cheeky grins. We had been getting some pretty cute smirks at home but nothing like this... it was her way of saying "I am feeling better mommy!"
It made me remember that although the hospital with Bennett was terribly hard there were many good baby Bennett moments there and lots and lots of snuggling my little boy that I wouldn't ever change.