Most people know that Joel and I have been involved with the March of Dimes for a couple years now and walked in the Thurston County March for Babies in 2011 and raised over $6,000 walking in honor of Bennett's Team. It was a blast! (2011 March for Babies)
Today is World Prematurity Day, It is a day that we can celebrate the healthy successes, remember the losses and raise awareness for this great cause. The March of dimes "helps moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, they offer information and comfort to families. They research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them."
Mark you calendars for April 28th, 2012 when we will walk in Bennett's honor once again.
We spent this morning at another Dr appointment for our baby girl. Bennett, our amazing little preemie, got to meet the Doctor that we give thanks to all the time for his work when I was pregnant with him, Dr Wall. It was our 26 week check up and other than a perfect bill of health for baby and mama I must say I was most excited about how well Bennett did. He was yelling "that's my sister!" and telling "mama's doctor" that he was "awesome" (with a big thumbs up). The ultrasound techs and nurses were rolling in laughter. He hammed it up and I was excited for Dr Wall to finally meet him years later.
As I think about all the preemies brought into the world too early I am thankful for the work that has been done to help them grow into healthy kids like Bennett and the mama's like me that have been able to have a healthy pregnancy up until 26 weeks after such a different pregnancy 3 years ago.
Here are some pictures of our little girl today!
She was weighing in at an estimated 2 lb, 4 oz and in the 80%!
A bendy little girl... so fun to see her fingers and toes... love her!
The ultrasound tech swore our little girl has hair... I'll believe it when I see it :)
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