I have never seen this little boy beam with as much pride as he did this morning when he got to show his Daddy all about school. Our little guy goes to Pre-pre school on Tuesday mornings. It is a toddler group that gives kids a little bit extra attention (whether is be speech Therapy, physical therapy etc). It also happens to be a great place to chat with other moms and hear about how wonderful your little one is doing each week.
We have been part of the group for over a year (he can be part of the group until he is 3) and the group of toddlers we have had this school year is great. We will truly miss all the parents and kids during the Summer but I am pretty sure we will still get together for many play dates.
Since Joel has meetings on Tuesday morning he hasn't been able to come to group since last year so today was his day... he got to see Bennett's bin, play in the water pool, sing songs in Circle Time and help him wash his hands before snack. I am pretty sure Bennett will be devastated when Joel doesnt come next week because when we got home all he could talk about was how "dada at Bennett's school!"
After a morning of showing Joel around I realized that maybe it was this mama that was beaming with pride... it is so fun to watch him showing off for his dad and being part of his little social group at school... He is growing up too fast.

After a morning of showing Joel around I realized that maybe it was this mama that was beaming with pride... it is so fun to watch him showing off for his dad and being part of his little social group at school... He is growing up too fast.
Bennett's bin...
Parachute time! the kids go crazy for it.
Time for the shaker song...
Lets get ready for snack time (Bennett's favorite part of school)!
This snack was soooo cute. It was fish day and so they had these long pretzels, with blue cream cheese to dip in... then they dipped the stick onto the fish crackers like they were fishing... it was a huge hit and I must admit it was tasty!
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