Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prematurity Awareness Day

November 17th is Prematurity Awareness Day and this year Joel and I are celebrating and hoping to help create awareness. We are celebrating our son Bennett, being born at 32 weeks gestation he had a very scary battle ahead of him. Thankfully there had been research and Dr's that helped us make it to 32 weeks of pregnancy after months of bed rest and the loss of Bennett's twin brother at 20 weeks. Although we had a huge loss we are very thankful for the love of our lives... Bennett has been a fighter and has benefited from some amazing Dr's and family support and has made a near complete recovery.
In the past year we have been introduced to the March of Dimes, a great organization that "helps moms have full term pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, they offer information and comfort to families. They research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them."
Joel and I have proudly taken the roles as the Thurston County Family Team Co-Chairs. We will assist all the Family Teams of Thurston County in their organization and fundraising for the March for Babies here in Olympia on May 7, 2011.
This is cause we are truly proud of and can not wait to get started fundraising and kick off the first year for "Bennett's Team" and the 2011 March for Babies.
For those that want to learn more please visit and we will keep you updated on how and when you can be part of Bennett's Team in supporting the March for Babies.
Our little man Bennett at 1 day old...
Leaving the Hospital (the first time :)
 NOW... What a sweet little man he is!

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