Friday, November 12, 2010

It's not always rain...

All I could think about when summer was coming to a very quick end was the looming months of dreary rain and Bennett crying to be outside. Although those days are part of our reality (like yesterday) there are some beautiful days in the Pacific Northwest in the fall.
Bennett and I have discovered one of Olympias treasures in the last couple weeks... Capital Lake.
We have been running around it and near the Historical Park. It is a beautiful area with lots of ducks and doggies (obviously Bennetts favorite attributes). I wont lie, Bennett hasnt fallen in love with the jogging stroller and never has but we have tried to improve his time strapped in by reading books, playing playdough (yes that is a mess) and singing. I thought jogging was hard enough but imagine how much pushing a jogging stroller while singing Old McDonald had a Farm can slow a girl down.
Thank you Matt & Kim for the hand-down jogging stroller... we are getting our use out of it :)
I have kicked myself everyday for not brining my camera... it was a little dark tonight but we had fun jogging and taking a few pics...
 If you can see his precious little tear... this was during "the battle of the binky" about halfway through our jog
 It was getting a little dark out... and brrrr it was cold... My bundled up little bundle...
 A pre-run romp in the leaves...
 And a bearded daddy home from hunting earlier this week... I cant get enough of how much his hair (Bennett's :) has grown... love it

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