Just last week we were mourning Summer and this week we are embracing Fall. We are deep in planning Halloween costumes, pulling out our Christmas sewing projects and starting some new fun toddler fall activities. I am quickly learning what is a "toddler activity". One afternoon this week we bought some Play-Dough and he played happily for at least 30 minutes, which is easily a record, so I got a little ambitious...
I thought, "if he can do Play-Dough, he can start helping me bake right?!"... hhhmmm.
I excitedly went to the store and got the ingredients for the easiest baking activity known to man... Rice Crispy Treats, 5 minutes after getting home Bennett had dug into the Reece's Pieces Bag and spilled them all over our kitchen. Then when I finally got the treats mixed together and introduced him to the stickiness, he screamed bloody murder because there was some stuck to his foot and it wouldn't come off...
Then he discovered that this scary stickiness tasted fabulous and he dug in. So in the end I am hoping that no one from Joel's work reads this and finds out that the Rice Crispy Treats I sent to work with him were smeared with toddler goodness.
We love you buddy and I hope that the rest of the Fall and Winter "projects" are this memorable.
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