Friday, May 21, 2010

My week with B

Bennett and I have had a pretty boring week due to some pretty crappy weather out. But he is still being funny and keeping us busy as usual. Here are some of my favorite moments of the week... He sure makes me one happy mama even when we are stuck inside.

Good morning sleepy head...
His newest thing... his cheesy smile, it is like a fake cry but a fake smile, he thinks it is funny because everyone laughs at him.... oh it begins...
Petting the Doggie from the bath tub
Bennett has figured out that he needs his shoes to go outside. This is him begging to go outside, after he finds his shoes he has no idea what to do with them so he just screams until I come and put them on... looks like we might be skipping the outside this evening though... it is cold out and Bennett doesnt have quite a good enough outfit on...

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