Thursday, May 27, 2010


Bennett has been working a great deal on his language skills lately. He has successfully mastered a few signs including "more", "all done" and "book". His favorite and most over used sign is "more" he uses it along with yelling the "mmmm" sound if that is even possible. He expresses it to teachers, family and even people at the grocery store when they have something he wants... mostly food.
He has been using certain sounds lately that associate with the correct meaning. I say sounds because I am positive noone else would be able to differenciate these sounds from his normal babble. But I can hear "Dada", "Mama", "Doggie" and "Kitty". Even though he is a little bit behind we are so proud of him. It may be one of the most incredible parts of seeing him become the little person that he will be. Seeing him express himself successfully is amazing.
Today we had a fun new word... "Hat" He first said it at his speech therapy appointment this morning to our friend and speach therapist Nancy. He sure loved playing in Dada's hat tonight...

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