Monday, August 6, 2012

Grandma Sandy's Dress

So I have been looking forward to doing this for a while, Today Annie and I had a great ladies day with Grandma Sandy... It was wonderful, some special pictures, lunch and shopping. While we were off being very girlie Grandpa Steve had a boys day with Bennett, he cried all the way home that he wanted to go back to Grandpa house, I think their day invovled the hardware store, the tractor and icecream... pretty much Bennett's perfect day!
So 67 years ago Sandy wore the cutest little white dress for her 6 month pictures and today Annie wore the exact same dress for her six month pictures. I love how special this is between Annie and her Grandma and I can not wait for the day that Annie's Daughter will wear this for her 6 month pictures too!
We love you Grandma Sandy! Thank you for being such a special Grandma and having such a special day with us!

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