Saturday, July 21, 2012

Look Ma... No Training Wheels!

This is one of the most prideful mama posts is a very long time and that says a lot because lets be honest I just mostly talk about how awesome my kids are...
Anyway, So this morning my husband and I were recovering from a little bit too late night around the camp fire over groggy coffee and the chaos of getting the kids dressed and out to play. I heard Bennett ask his dad if he could take it training wheels off and didn't think much of it. About 15 minutes later someone came into the trailer and said "Get your camera! Bennett is riding his bike"
I peaked out of the trailer after grabbing my camera as quickly as I could and looked down the road to see a pack of adults around one sweet little boy riding as fast as he could. Joel said he took the training wheels off and before he even had his tools put away Bennett had pushed the bike to the side road and was off pedaling... None of that crouching parent behind the bike or anything... he just did it on his own!!!
OK so here is a bit more back story... We got Bennett a Strider bike when he was about 2 years old. He had little interest in it until last year at Lake Chelan when he saw all the big kids riding their bikes around. So last year there was our little 2.5 year old running around on this pedal free bike... but this last Christmas Santa brought him a big boy bike with pedals and training wheels. He was ok excited but still loved his green strider bike because he could go a lot faster and had crashed a couple times with this new training wheeled bike.
So this year he again saw all the big kids on the bike and he started asking before Joel got to camp if he could ride his pedal bike without training wheels and I knew that maybe he wasn't ready so I just said "lets wait until daddy gets here" and boy I was sooo happy we waited.
I am so proud of him, it was such a magical moment that happened on a beautiful morning in one of my favorite places on the planet. This is hopefully a memory Bennett will keep for a long time... I know it is permanently stamped on my heart for sure!

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