Monday, July 9, 2012

Camping with Grandma and Grandpa

Our annual Jones Family Camping trip has begun! This week every year we set off, check the weather forecast with prayers, and pack our trailers and trucks to the brim with everything we will need for the next 23 nights. Again my husband has been more than understanding and has agreed to drive to see us on the weekends and for a long week in Chelan... such a special Daddy that hopes our kids will grow up with special camping memories like we had.
We arrived Saturday morning in Wenatchee Confluence State Park. It has been nearly 100 degrees every day and we have attempted to embrace every second of the more than sunny weather.
One of the most eventful moments so far involved a night full of thunder, lightning and wind after the husbands had already left for the week, leaving mom and I to run in between our trailers like crazy people trying to figure out how to put awnings up etc and not be struck by lightning... I must admit I laughed so hard at 1 am that I nearly peed myself.
Bennett Annie and I have more than enjoyed this one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa... I am pretty sure Bennett hasn't stopped talking about the boat coming this week once and he LOVED having Grandmas attention all day as she splashed in the pool, made homemade ice cream (YUM!) and even tractored a bit of sand... We will be making more ice cream everyday I am sure!!!
It has been a vow of mine to take more pictures this summer (I know to most people this sounds nuts but I find myself missing so many fun moments and I dont want to do that again this summer)... so here is the first crazy installment of many fun summer camping photos!
After a run with the kiddos
Baby's first sun screen...
 She sure looks like her Auntie Katie in this one...
 Playing with her feet is her new favorite trick!
 I have nearly the same picture from when I was a child being bathed in a trash can... long story...
 Making ice cream
She has officially taken over Dad's side when he isnt here...
Did I mention my baby holds her bottle with her feet... Havent decided if this is cool of super weird...

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