Friday, March 11, 2011

March for Babies... Donations!!

Over the past couple days I have been thinking a lot about everything that goes into the March for Babies 2011 and starting off Bennett's Team and hoping that we are successful in collecting donations for the March of Dimes.
It warms my heart to have friends and family and even people I havent actually seen in years reaching out to help us with this great cause. Sheri from the firm Joel and I worked for got on to make a donation! Thanks Sheri! And our wonderful cousin Jennifer also jumped on board early for a donation... We apprecaite your help!
It is officially that time of year that we are hoping people want to help us along the journey to have a great year raising funds for this cause that we so truly believe in. If you click HERE or the March for Babies Logo on the left it will direct you to Our Team page where you are able to sign up to walk, learn more about why we are raising funds, and make doantions. We truly appreciate everryone doing what they can.

Yesterday Joel and I spoke at the March for Babies 2011 Kick-off Luncheon. We were brought in as the "special guest speakers" which the title in itself scares me to death. I have had a massive fear of public speaking for years now and knew I wouldnt be able to do it. Joel said he would do it and I tried to explain to him that they want to hear "Bennett's Story" and I knew it would be hard for him to talk about without getting emotional... but I clearly was not letting that outweigh my fear of public speaking...
As we both walked up I let Joel do the talking for about 30 seconds until he hit the line "So we are hear to talk about why we got involved with the March of Dimes and about our story with our son Bennett..." It was this exact moment he paniced and with tears in his eyes he bailed and sat back down. I was a bit terrified but took over the best I could. I rambled up there for like 10 minutes about all the little things in Bennett's life that have scared us and all the stuff that makes us smile... and how the March of Dimes has effected our journey.
I went and sat down feeling proud that I was able to talk infront of a large group and I was able to share such a great story... A couple approached me afterwards thanking me for sharing and it meant the world to me.

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