Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy 1st Evelyn Belle!

Our little niece turned ONE this last week and this weekend we celebrated! It was a great evening of amazing food, great family and one adorable little tutu wearing one year old. We love you Evie, you are a beautiful little delight and I can't wait to see you grow up! I must say, one of my favorite parts was dessert! Everyone enjoyed homemade Creme Bruele & amazing homemade Cupcakes (even though they looked like they came straight from Cupcake Wars).
These kids are growing up way too fast!

We had planned on letting Bennett stay up a bit past his usual strict bedtime of 7:30 but then it kept on getting later and later and before we knew it, it was nearing 11 pm and Bennett was dancing around. He loved helping the Uncles and Dada put together one of Evie's favorite birthday presents. I was feeling like an awful mother as I packed his tired little body into the car. We dont plan on making it a regular occurance but he did sleep in until a fabulous hour this morning and has easily bounced back to his regular schedule.

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