Sunday, December 5, 2010

Choo Choo look who's TWO!

Dear Bennett,
You are anything but what we expected in so many wonderful ways. You have gotten so big lately and have become such a great little person. It is amazing how much can change so quickly. You have given us many surprizes (most good) and we couldn't be happier to be your parents. Your Birthday was no exception....
This year you have fallen in love with Trains "choo choos" and we thought it would be a great way to celebrate. Everything turned out adorable. You got a little nervous with the many family and friends that wanted to celebrate with you and you were not a big fan of your mom holding any other kid. But you sure made everyone laugh and enjoy the day with you. You made out like a bandit with many many new trucks, tractors, trains, boots and some super cute new duds. Your Grandpa Jones made you a train table to play with the train that your mom and dad bought you and you have already spent most of the evening sitting on the table pushing those choo choos around the track. Many hours of quiet play time (Happy birthday to mom and dad too :) Your Grandma & Grandpa Olsen got you a great activity table that you sit at very proudly already. You did not surprize anyone with your enthusiasm for cupcakes and your train cake (made with love by your Grandma Jones). You even attempted with an adorable little blow to get those candles out.
You are an inspiration for all of those that love you, especially your mom and dad.
We LOVE you and cant believe how fast the past two years have gone.
Love, Mom

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