Sunday, December 19, 2010

Big Boy Bed...

Another fun event of our Disney vacation was the great escape from his crib. He was in the same room with us and easily learned how to throw that leg over the railing and climb into bed with us. Although it was a good laugh at the time we prayed this was a special vacation only event. Upon our return home we quickly learned it wasn't. We put him down for a nap and he very ungracefully escaped from his crib at home. I was a bit too nervous to be letting him attempt this on a daily basis and injure himself so I thought the only option was to convert his bed into a toddler bed. After the conversion was completed, with a little prayer to the parenting gods, I put him down for a nap in hopes of him staying in bed... and miraculously he has loved it.
He proudly has a nightstand that he puts things like water and binkys (yes we have not attempted that big boy battle yet) and he snuggles up and goes to sleep. I know we will have those nights that he will not stay in bed but for now it seems to be a completely successful transition...
We watch him on the video monitor and after his nap or in the morning, he sleepily grabs his blanket and walks to the door and knocks. He knows how to open doors but for some reason he is using a knock to alert us that he is up.... too cute.
Taking a break from playing trains with the doggie...

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