As I should be packing up and getting ready for Bennett's surgery this Friday, I am spending way too much time playing with the camera and mostly chasing my child around with it.
We caved after a grumpy morning stuck inside and went to the mall play area. We have been on germ lock down for a while because of his surgery but Bennett was done playing in the living room and wanted to get out to explore.

He had been doing wonderful sleeping and then a couple weeks ago he was snoring like his daddyy (not good) so being the crazy over worried mother that I am, I rushed him too Children's and had his surgeon take a look. He deemed, with a long camera inserted up his nose, that Bennett's adenoids had returned. We were warned of this when he got them removed last June that since he was so young and his adenoids were not done developing that "someday" he would start snoring and we would need to remove them again. Although we were thankful that it seems like a pretty simple fix, I was not happy to have him have a sore airway once again.
So keep our little man in your thoughts this Friday... I am sure he will once again amaze us with his strength.
Bennett has had a tough "teething" day with 4 molars coming in and some eye teeth on top on bottom... this kid can not get a break. Needless to say, we have been doing anything to keep him happy including walking around all over outside.

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