I snapped a quick picture of a few of the kids before snack time with my phone
I tried to take a "first day of school" picture... didnt go so well... hopefully he will hold still when we are trying to get his first day of real school picture.
1st art project for the fridge
Bennett had his first day of pre-pre-school or Toddler Group today. He will get to go every Tuesday afternoon. It is only and hour and a half and I stay with him. He has 7 kids in his class and they are all between 18 months and 3 years old. (Bennett got in a little early) It is at the elementry school right near our house.

He was a little nervous at first but soon joined right in with the free play time and sat quietly in amazement during the singing circle time. He was taking notes on table manners from the older kids during snack time and he even did his very first school art project by adding the pink leaves to his tree with real paint.
I was so proud of how well he did and how excited he was to be there playing with the other kids. It is going to be great for his communication and we feel pretty lucky to find this class they offer for kids like Bennett that had a bit of a rough go in the beginning of life.
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