Monday, June 20, 2011

Our dreams came true again...

After many years of trying the ol' fashion way, coming to the conclusion from many Drs. that we could never get pregnant naturally, numerous failed fertility treatments and a large deposit put down at the adoption agency... we got the surprise of our lives.
I was feeling a little run down so I was setting out for a long run on the treadmill to hopefully give me a little pick me up. I put Bennett down for a nap as I was chatting with a friend on the phone and looking at the calendar and suddenly realized "hhhmmm that doesn't seem right" So I dug deep into the bathroom drawer to see if I could possibly find a pregnancy test to calm my mind from wandering into hopeful world.
And to my surprise the test was a bust... so in an attempt to not talk about my pee too much I just submerged the whole test... whelp that made both lines go dark pink... hmm now did I just screw up the test or was that kinda positive?! I quickly talked my mind out of "hopeful mode" but thought "I better make sure" So I woke up my sleeping child and drove to Walgreens. I must have looked a bit crazy in running clothes, carrying a sleeping child to buy a pregnancy test but I have long stopped caring about that stuff.
I drove home chugging Gatorade and I ran and put my sleeping child back into bed. I took a test with pink lines and to my surprise... both went pink, and with the amount of pregnancy tests I have taken over the last 5 years I knew exactly what that meant... So I went for the big guns and took the digital test... YEP POSITIVE!
So I called my Dr. and said "what the heck?!" and she said "If you want to get results of blood work today you have to come in soon" and so I went and woke up my kid once again and drove across town (still in my running clothes) to the Drs. office.... Later than night I got the call I had been waiting for... We are pregnant.
After many years of working with the same infertility Dr. that is also our OB... He said "congrats Julie, I feel kinda left out"
We will be introducing our new little Olsen in Febuary 2012!

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