Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Dada,

It is your second Fathers Day and I love you so much,
We have been through a lot these last couple years. It took me so long to get here and you were there to hang out with Mama and be as supportive and optomistic as you could be. I needed Mama to be strong for me and I know you helped her.
I definately made my first year here memorable and tested all your fatherhood limits. I spent most of my time crying and you spent most of your time just loving me anyway. You were always proud of me even though being my Dad wasn't exactly like you had it all planned.
Now that I am feeling better you are patient with all my normal toddler craziness.  I hear you coming in at night and I yell one of the two words I truly know "DADA!" The only other word being "Doggie" who usually comes in with you, this makes for my favorite part of every day. I love that you do my bath every night... it is our specialy time to be guys and hang out. Being outside with you and the doggie is my favorite thing and I can't wait for the sun of summer so we can do it all day.
I am so lucky that you picked me to be your son and I hope that some day I grow up to be just like you. You are super fun, a great dada and couldn't make Mama happier.
Happy Fathers Day Dada, I love you,

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