Grandmama can always get the giggles
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Santa brought him this cool four wheeler... Here is a short video of him enjoying it for the first time. He sure seemed to like it and take off on it right away. I am not sure if he will be able to steer it for a while... but it is super cute seeing him go on it.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Waiting for Santa...
We also set out some cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. Bennett did a quick taste test before mommy could get them. Oh well a little chocolate treat to settle him into bed for the night :)
I could not be happier this Christmas! It has been so fun spending time with Bennett, He is growing up so fast and although he doesn't truly understand all of the festivities we are excited to start so many fun traditions as a little family.
I keep thinking about all the years to come and can not wait to watch him enjoy many Christmases in the future.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean
He is dragging it from room to room which becomes really funny when he tries to get through a doorway.
I think he asked Santa for a vaccuum.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dear Santa,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hung on the chimney with care...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I am walking on my birthday...
Happy Birthday Bennett!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Best Anniversary EVER
We decided to get our Christmas tree to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary. Joel got off work early and we headed to Hunter's Farms in Yelm, this is the view of the mountain on the non-christmas tree portion of the farm... what a beautiful day! They have acres of trees to choose from and really helpful people with lots of Christmas cheer.
I love noble firs and I love really big trees... My husband, not so much! The nine foot tree we took turns taking pictures in front of is the one that Bennett picked out... Dad had fun lugging that one back to the truck...
I love my wonderful husband and the fact that he cut down and drug this humongous tree just because I wanted it... He sure does love us :)
Our little messy mover
Bennett has had a great week. Not only did he have a great time hanging out with his family on Thanksgiving but I think he officially mastered crawling on all fours. He has always been a scooter and he has seemed like he wanted to walk before crawl but he has taken off on all fours this week and has been pretty happy with his new efficient mobility...
As you can see he is also liking to feed himself and although he loves it, it seems to be quite messy.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Almost one?!.... so much to be thankful for
The last year was definately not what new parents expect, but in all of the craziness we sure had some amazing moments and could not be happier and prouder parents.
It is hard to look back and imagine how we made it through and how our little man was strong enough to amaze us at every obsticle. He has completely blown us away as well as most of the medical professionals involved with his care.
To be writting about my son and all the normal one year old activities and struggles he is having is not something I thought I would be doing. Many things have changed over the past 6 weeks since he made a huge step to recovery by getting his trach out. Here are a few of my favorite.
Freedom: Bennett didnt get to see much of the outside world with his trach, Since being trach free we have been to Seattle countless times visiting his many friends including Charli Miltenberger and Hadley Block. He has spent time with his Grandma & Grandpa Olsen and a been able to hang out with his cousins and Grandparents a lot down in Chehalis. Taking my son to the grocery store was something I thought would be magical at first but soon got difficult as I now have to make sure I drive far enough away from the shelves so he doesnt pull stuff into the cart.... something Bennett thinks is really funny...
Eating: Most of my waking time while he had his trach was trying to get Bennett to eat. Although he doesnt look like he ever missed a meal, it was very important to the Drs and nurses that we kept up his intake. Since then he eats fabulous, we have actually enjoy 3 meals a day of all sorts of fruits and veggies! He even enjoyed some mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving.
He likes to move it: Bennett is definately keeping us on our toes lately, He cruises along the couch and has learned how to pull himself up on everything including the dog (which actually thinks Bennett climbing on her is fun)
Giggles and sounds: He still has a lot to learn with his new voice and loves to yell really loud. But all the giggles definately make up for any crying or yelling that might have been a tiny bit more tollerable when he was more quiet :)
We are so happy that we are looking back at the last year with thankful hearts and excitement for all the years to come as a family!

Playing with Daddy and Uncle Kippy on Grandma & Grandpa Jones' new fun kid mat.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Getting excited for the holidays
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bath Time
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Go Bearcats!!
Bennett's Uncle Marty is a coach for the Chehalis football team and we
went to see Bennett's first football game and a big win for the
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween... what a scary dragon!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Story time...
This is what happens when we let Bennett pick a book for story time... all his favorites end up in a big pile on the floor.
We have had to keep an extra close eye on him since he became a climber and is into everything. Let the serious baby proofing begin...

Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Jones girls all grown up!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Home sweet home!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Our FIRST giggle!
Bennett can't wait to giggle at his newest cousin that is being born RIGHT NOW... Welcome baby Evie... we love you so much already!
He did it!
It is actually kinda hard to tell when the Dr. removed the trach, it was right before the little cough in the very beginning.
Also, that is a different baby crying... we had a very vocal neighbor :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
10 months already!
Bennett has not quite figured out crawling but he loves to pull him self up and stand to play. I think he thinks this is how he is going to get around in the world so he is trying to get it started this way. He has this new table that he can play with standing up like a big boy and he loves it.
Bennett goes to the Dr. on Monday... we are hopeful he will be getting his trach removed making most of the craziness of the last year the past... but we couldn't be prouder of where he is after such an eventful first ten months!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Don't Lick
When I said "Don't Lick" I should have been more specific.
They sure love eachother and we have been so happy with how gentle Hurlie is with him.
Bennett just being cute this afternoon. We talked to the Doctors today and it looks like we will be trying again with the trach removal on October 19th!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Lots of new sounds!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Most beautiful sound in the world
New Plan.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Getting ready for his week...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cousin Reece... what a charmer

Our Nephew Reece Marquez!
Loves the Puffs, Yummy
With all the crazy surgeries Bennett hasnt really been a fan of anything but his bottle... until the sweet potato PUFFS. He loves finding them and plunking them in his mouth... I think he has had a few too many in the past couple days but I cant help myself... just too cute to watch him gobble them up!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bennett sure loves the ladies...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Helping daddy at work
Bennett and I have been loading up the jogging stroller and running to Joels work lately... He loves it!
And yes, that is a Dwight bobble head on his desk...