Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 months already!

As difficult and exciting as the last year has been for us, it has sure flown by! We can not believe he will be a year old in just a couple short months. We have had a great week hearing all his new sounds and enjoying our last week with Stacey, our day nurse that will be moving this weekend.

He has been a funny eater since we have known him :) First he loved his bottle, then he got his trach and hated it, then he had his tongue surgery and hated it more. He was finally getting the hang of eating and loving to eat from his bottle when I tried to feed him baby food... this was not his favorite thing no matter how pretty we made it. But, being the stuborn, independant child that he is, he loves to feed himself little snacks like puffs, and especially these biscutts... he LOVES them and loves the mess they make even more. We are exploring new foods but not too worried about pushing him and just letting him enjoy it.

We have nursing here at night to watch him sleep because of the trach and equipment he has. When someone can't come in to watch him I get to stay awake all night and make sure no alarms go off (which they dont, so it makes it very boring).
The nurses called in sick a couple nights in a row this week and I finally caved to letting him sleep in our bed for a while so that I could try to relax. This is Bennett finding the beginning of his slumber party with mommy and daddy fun... lots of junk to hook up to a little boy just to sleep... thankfully after the trach is out this will all be gone!!

Bennett has not quite figured out crawling but he loves to pull him self up and stand to play. I think he thinks this is how he is going to get around in the world so he is trying to get it started this way. He has this new table that he can play with standing up like a big boy and he loves it.

Bennett goes to the Dr. on Monday... we are hopeful he will be getting his trach removed making most of the craziness of the last year the past... but we couldn't be prouder of where he is after such an eventful first ten months!


linda said...

WE will be thinking of all of you on Monday. Everything is going to go fine. Love to you all.

Mamahen said...

Good luck Monday!