Sunday, March 1, 2009

Baby Shower!

Because Bennett had such a graceful enterance into the world we didnt have time to have a shower before he got here so he got to go to his own shower.

It was great to see all the girls and family! My favorite part was that Sandy and Terra had everyone bring a book from their childhood to write in for Bennett... He got sooo many wonderful books that I can not wait to read to him. We have already started reading a ton of Dr. Suess (which were some of my favorite from when I was little) and I know he will love all the news ones he got yesterday!

Joels favorite part of the shower is that the ladies were soliciting college funds for Bennett in this great piggy bank (made by Terra). We have a good little fund I pulled from it this morning and ran to startbucks... just kidding, I will be taking it to WAMU tomorrow to open up a money market to grow for the next 17+ years until he runs off to college someday.
Thank you sooo much Grandma Sandy and Terra! We had a great time and what a treat to be showered with all those great gifts.

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