Day 53 on bed rest.... Went back up to see Dr. Wall to do the weekly check on mom and baby. Joel was unable to get out of work so Grandma got to go and see Dr. Wall again. He was really optimistic as usual but still said that the next 2 weeks are very important. At 28 weeks little Bennett would have a good chance at survival with minimal long term effects from premature birth. This would also enable us to deliver at Tacoma General. University of Washington is the only hospital that will take babies younger than 28 weeks until then.
Baby definitely looked cozy in there. He was facing in so it was not as easy to get good pics of his little face. But I must say he was looking a little chubbier this week...This may be due to Grandmas pies.
We head back up to see Dr. Wall again on Tuesday of next week. We are thankful for everyday and continue to get more excited!
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