Monday, December 29, 2008

Intro to baby heartburn... yuck!

What a grumpy boy...

Grandma stopped by to visit...

Bennett is doing great here in Olympia. He has been learning to eat and we are hoping to get rid of that yucky tube in his nose tomorrow. He is putting on weight like crazy and is officially tipping the scales at 6 pounds!

A little set back on our way to parole out of this joint has been reflux. Apparently the horrendous heart burn from pregnancy has carried over to our little one and he seems to be pretty miserable at times. It can be pretty hard on preemies because they havent developed a good way to stop it, while an older baby would just spit up. Other than that he is ready to go home so we will see how long this sets us back. It does sound like he will go home on some baby Zantac and a fancy crib wedge to prop him up when he sleeps.

We are really excited to get him home but we are more excited about taking home a super healthy baby so we are trying to be patient.

He does seem to get cuter every day and has so far got his skin tone from his mommy and the rest of his good looks from his dad. :)
We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed sneaking out of the hospital for Grandma Ruth's famous prime rib dinner! YUM!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bennetts first Christmas!

The holidays sure make him sleepy
Santa even made a stop at the hospital!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bennetts big boy crib

Today Bennett lost one of his walls. He was moved to an open air crib and out of the isolet.

Such a big boy and a big yawn!

Friday, December 19, 2008

He is now officially an Olympian

Bennett was transfered to the level 2 nursery at St. Peters Hospital in Olympia today. He really lucked out because they opened the new facility last week and he is the first baby in his room. The facility is beautiful and we have a private room where he is still under great supervision of the fabulous nurses there. I can even stay the night in the room if I would like.

His pediatrician came to the hospital to meet him and said everything looks great, he just has to learn how to feed and it sounds like that can take a week or two.

We are able to hold him pretty much whenever we want and Joel was able to hold him for the first time today... such a natural!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bennett's first snow day

Although he didnt venture outside, we told Bennett all about the snow and how it was causing all sorts of trouble for his mom and dad traveling to the hospital in Tacoma.

I havent driven since August and the weather is definately not too inviting. Joel has been driving me up and down to the hospital but has loved to get to see him everyday even if it is stressful for his work schedule.

Bennett is definately not too busy these days, just sleeps most of the time as he would be doing if he was still in the belly. He is doing wonderful and I had a Dr. say to me "Someone needs to tell Bennett that he was supposed to be in the womb for 8 more weeks, He is sure trying to act a lot older." An overachiever already I guess :)

We are working pretty hard on getting him transfered to the nursery in Olympia. The only big step left between now and his venture home is learning to feed. This is something they usually learn how to do at around 36 weeks so it may be a couple more weeks in the hospital and we definately want him closer for that time.

It is very hard to leave him there at night. But not to worry, the night nurses love the round the clock calls from Mom. They are very sweet to update us on his every move no matter what time of night it is.

I know he is changing everyday so I have been getting a ton of pictures. He is amazing and we definately feel like the luckiest parents in the world.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bennett has graduated!

Last night Bennett graduated out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and into the Intermediate Care Nursery. This is the nursery where he will stay the remainder of his hospital time. There we will learn how to feed and put on some more weight. We were expecting more time in the NICU so we were excited to hear he was doing so well that they transferred him.

Another great part of this new nursery is that I FINALLY got to hold him. I spent 3 hours this morning in a comfy chair snuggling baby :)

He is off all breathing support and only has monitors and a feeding tube left. He will just be working on putting on some weight but unfortunately this is sometimes the longest part of the battle and could take a few more weeks. There is a possibility he may get transferred down to Olympia so we could be closer to home. Until then we will be driving up everyday to be with him in this more comfy nursery.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More pics of Big Bennett

So it is getting hard to not update pictures everyday... he just seems to get cuter and cuter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting used to life in the NICU

Bennett is loving life in the NICU except for all those scary looking monitors and tubes!

He is keeping up with the 32 weekers and getting stronger each day. He has Jaundice (very common for preemie babies) and gets to sit under warm lights all day. He is going to be tan like mom before we know it. His eyes get a little swollen from the air they are blowing on him in there too :)

It is hard to really do anything through the isolet but we are getting used to changing him and just waiting patiently for him to build up his strength so that he can come out and play. We are hoping we will be able to hold him this weekend.

We are just concentrating on taking steps forward each day and enjoying every second watching him do better.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bennett James Olsen HAS ARRIVED!!!

He arrived Sunday December 7th at 6:03pm at 32 weeks, 1 day and on our 99th day of strict bed rest.
He weighs 5 lbs 2 oz and is 17 inches long!!

He decided he was tired of being in moms belly early Saturday morning. After trying to stop labor in St. Peters Hospital in Olympia with little success I was transfered to Tacoma General late Saturday night via ambulance.
At 4 am Sunday morning, after being up all night the Perinatologists decided that he was looking healthy and to take out the cervical stitch and see what happens. After seeming pretty eager to arrive he sure took his sweet time after that.

After arrival we got a few pictures and then he was wisked away by the waiting NICU team. After he got settled in we went to see him. He was really tired and taking a little bit more effort to breathe than they would like. This is completely normal for all 32 week babies. He was put on a CPAP (a little breathing helper tube, not a ventilator). This morning in between visits we got a call that he has been upgraded to "room air canula" this is just a small little plastic tube under his nose to remind him to breathe. He is doing well and very much keeping up with the other 32 weekers.

He is soooo cute but just a little sleepy. We expect him to be in the NICU for about 4 weeks. Everytime we visit him he is more alert and we can tell he is building his stregnth.
These pictures are not that great and I will definately update more after we get out of the hospital and can get some of the newer pictures off our camera.... the pictures above are just the ones after he first arrived taken by a very shaky husband. In his newer pics you can see he has a ton of hair! :)

We are excited and cant wait to get to hold him and have him home!!! I did get to change his diaper this morning through the isolet, that will definately take some practice :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bennett's first Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year. I dont think I will ever again eat off of our wedding china balanced on my belly while laying on a lawn recliner in my dinning room. But the food was still amazing thanks to Grandma Jones that cooked away all day in our kitchen.

After spending our second wedding anniversary eating pizza in bed on Tuesday, we went to see Dr. Moruzzi again today. We are officially 31 weeks, 4 days and on our 95th day on bedrest. He said baby looks big and healthy in there. He is still threatening to arrive before we would like him to but we are thankfully past the big risky stage where little Bennett could have severe complications. At this point he would probably be a healthy little man after about a month in the hospital.

We are still holding out hope that we will make it to around 36 weeks (January 3rd) where we could deliver at St. Peter Hospital here in Olympia with Dr. Moruzzi.

We are working away on our nursery and it is turning out really cute and making us very excited to meet little Mr. Olsen.

We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

30 weeks, 3 days and counting...

Today we headed up to visit Dr. Wall, our perinatologist out of Bellevue.
Baby is still looking ahead on the growth chart and we are looking forward to 32 weeks. Baby seems to be anxious for the holidays and is trying to make a break for it. After a lot of concern on moms part due to an increase in contractions the Dr. informed us that this is normal but may be showing that our days are numbered.
We are just hunkering down and hoping to make it to the 32 week mark and keeping our fingers double crossed for christmas time still.
Good news is baby looks super healthy and would probably do ok in the outside world with just a few extra weeks in the hospital.
Bennett is looking forward to Grandma Jones' Turkey dinner, which Grandma will be bringing to me in bed :)
Have a great thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Still growing...

Day 81 on bedrest and 29 weeks, 4 days pregnant.
We visited Dr. Moruzzi today and he confirmed that Bennett is going to be a BIG boy. He said that due to the strict bed rest and my inactivity he is growing and packing on the lbs! Using a high tech tape measure he thinks baby's room for rent is measuring at 34 weeks. We listened to his heart beat for a while and spent some time making birth plans. So different and exciting to be at the point where we can plan a halfway normal birth!

There was no change as far as advancing to labor so we are excited and hoping to sail through Thanksgiving without any hickups. He is still completely stunned with how far we have made it. He is hoping for a couple more weeks and into the time where he would not need NICU support.

No baby pictures this time so I thought I would post one of Dad putting together a bassinett with the help of our first born "Hurlie"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank you Grandmas & Grandpas!!

This weekend Grandma & Grandpa Olsen came to help us assemble the Nursery furniture that all the Grandparents went together to buy for baby Bennett.

From my post on the couch I watched for hours as they assembled the changing table and dresser.

I cant wait to get them in the nursery and put together with all the quilting Grandma Jones is doing.

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Olsen and Grandma & Grandpa Jones!!!
The changing table (and yes, I was also enjoying Steel Magnolias while watching them work :)
Grandma & Grandpa Olsen

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

28 weeks! We made it!

This week we headed up to visit Dr. Wall and get a full growth analysis on baby.

To our surprise baby is a bit ahead of schedule and in the 90th percentile for growth. He is weighing in at around 3 lbs 8 oz!! A baby at this gestational age is on average 2 lbs 10 oz so we were happy to hear he is growing like a champ in there.

After checking my cervix the Dr. thinks that we are stable again this week so that is good news in our quest for a Christmas baby. We are getting pretty excited and have switched back to planning for baby mode. We have begun buying things and planning a nursery again. We are just elated we have made it this far. Dr. Wall still thinks little Bennett could show up any day now but we are hopeful we will get to a point where we can avoid as much NICU time at the hospital as possible.

Thanks again for everyones good thoughts. We know it was everyones thoughts and prayers that have helped us make it this far.

Yep, He's in there...

Day 73 of Bedrest & 28 weeks, 3 days Prego!

So bedrest has not left a lot of time for looking pretty but grandma finally forced me to take a picture on our way to the Dr. so that I can "cherish" this time later on...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bennett for Obama!

It is finally election day and day 66 of strict bed rest.
Since the baby is filling up a little more space in there it is harder to get those great 3D pictures but here are a few from last week
His mouth open

His Hand

His Foot

We went to see Dr. Wall in Bellevue last Tuesday so it was off to Dr. Moruzzi's here in Olympia this week to check on mom and baby. Dr. Moruzzi has seen us through everything since the beginning and is just thrilled we have made it this far. He said he is hoping we will make it to term and I nearly fell off my chair. Realistically I am showing some signs of impending labor but everything looked stable this week and we are hoping the little man will stay put until Christmas. We are aiming for my Aunt Pams birthday on Christmas Eve :)

We are 28 weeks this Saturday!

Thank you for all your continued support... we cant wait for everyone to meet him. And a special thanks to Grandma Jones for babysitting daily for the last 66 days. Baby already loves grandma's cooking :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

25 Weeks, 5 Days

Bennett's Little Face looking at us.

In 3D you can see the cord hanging out infront of his face.

Day 53 on bed rest.... Went back up to see Dr. Wall to do the weekly check on mom and baby. Joel was unable to get out of work so Grandma got to go and see Dr. Wall again. He was really optimistic as usual but still said that the next 2 weeks are very important. At 28 weeks little Bennett would have a good chance at survival with minimal long term effects from premature birth. This would also enable us to deliver at Tacoma General. University of Washington is the only hospital that will take babies younger than 28 weeks until then.

Baby definitely looked cozy in there. He was facing in so it was not as easy to get good pics of his little face. But I must say he was looking a little chubbier this week...This may be due to Grandmas pies.

We head back up to see Dr. Wall again on Tuesday of next week. We are thankful for everyday and continue to get more excited!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Visiting Dr. Wall at 24 weeks

Short video of the ultrasound. He looks like he may be singing in there.

Being cute at 24 weeks and 4 Days!

Sticking out his tongue...

And showing off his fists!

Day 45 in bed... Back up to see Dr. Wall in Bellevue today. He says that everything is still on track and the next 3 weeks are very important.

He spent a lot of time getting some great 3D pictures and another incredible video. I have posted a few minutes of the video at the top. He seems to be chatting to himself in there :) must take after his daddy. But we are wondering a bit where he got those great big puckery lips.
He did a growth analysis and he is weighing in at approximately 1 lb and 11 oz! This is just a bit ahead of schedule.

We got a shot of steroids that stimulate lung growth just in case he decides to join us too early... but we are hoping this will just be a precaution.

We are still praying for a Christmas baby and I feel like we are on our way.

Thank you for all of your wonderful thoughts and prayers!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still praying and waiting...

37 Days on strict bed rest and counting...During my time in bed my Mom has been here everyday keeping me in bed and feeding me lots of yummy food. All of our families and friends have been such great support with their prayers and care packages. We deeply appreciate everyone during this hard time.

Today we went to visit Dr. Wall at Overlake Hospital. We have been alternating between Dr. Moruzzi, our Dr here, and Dr Wall each week to check on Bennett. We love Dr. Wall! He is always so optimistic and really helps us keep our hopes up. We got a 15 minute long 3D video of baby Bennett (a 2.5 minute portion is above) He says that baby looks great and so far so good.

Getting through the next four or five weeks will be a huge milestone. We are 23 weeks and if we can make it to 28 weeks he will have a good chance of survival with minimal long term effects. I am hoping for a christmas baby :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bennett James Olsen

We were sent home from the hospital on Sept 10th to await our second son (Baby B).

We named him Bennett James. We decided Bennett was a perfect fit because it starts with B and it means "little blessed one" in Latin.

All the Drs agreed that a delayed interval delivery (having one twin and keeping the second pregnancy) is pretty controversial. We had a hard time even finding a Dr. that had seen a case like this at all. Our chances of carrying Bennett to a viable stage (24 weeks) was still pretty low but we just kept praying for a miracle and taking it one day at a time.
On September 11 we saw Dr. Wall, a Perinatologist out of Overlake Hospital in Bellevue. We both just love him and felt great about his optimistic attitude about our beautiful baby boy. He spent a lot of time looking at the baby and got some great pictures.
He scheduled a Cerclage, a surgery to sew my cervix shut, for the following Monday, September 15th.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The loss of our son

On Saturday August 30, I was 18 weeks pregnant and my water broke. After seeing our Dr. and a specialist at UW labor and delivery they confirmed that the outlook was very grim. All of the Drs agreed that we had a 90% chance of loosing both the twins within the week.

The specialist at UW confirmed my suspicion that we were expecting two boys.

We were absolutely devastated. We were sent home to wait it out, this was our only option other than giving up immediately.

After 2 days at home I was taken to the hospital with complications, and after a few long days our first son (Baby A) was stillborn on September, 7 at 10 am. We did not hold him but did have a few minutes to pray for him and say our goodbyes. The nurse was able to get his little footprints.

We were deeply sad but after my labor stopped naturally the Drs had renewed hope that our second son (Baby B) might try to stay put for a little while longer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

17 week check up and testing

Went to go check on the babies and get some testing out of the way and the ultrasound machine was not working so we sadly didn't get to peak at them in there and will have to wait until next week to see them. We did get to listen to their heartbeats with a fetal doppler and they sound very happy in there.
We got some of the testing out of the way and everything looks good so far. My belly is measuring at 24 weeks (for a single pregnancy) The Dr. said that is right on track for my 17 week twin belly.
The Dr. promised to give us a guess on the sexes on Friday Sept 12th... cant wait!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

16 week ultrasound

We went to go look at the babies and they look great. They are measuring right where they should be. The Dr. says that my belly is where a single pregnancy would be at 20 weeks.

Baby A seems to love the spot light and always jumps around a ton during the ultrasounds and tries to sneak into the picture when we are taking pictures of Baby B.
Baby B seems to be a little more laid back. We have decided that Baby A takes after Dad and Baby B takes after Mom.

The Dr. says it is a bit too early to tell if they are boys, girls or one of each... but we have our guesses :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

14 week check on Baby A and Baby B

Just a quick check on the babies,

They look healthy and happy!
Since mom-to-be is getting a little pudgy we happily shared the news with everyone at Susie's wedding Saturday, August 2.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

12 week check on babies with Grandma!

Joel was out of town on business so Grandma Jones was really excited because this meant she got to take dads place at the ultrasound. She got to meet our Dr. and he made extra pictures just for her.

The babies look wonderful and the Dr. gave us the ok to make the wonderful announcement to friends and family. Grandma Jones got out her phone book and called everyone.
This ultrasound is right after we got back from Chelan for two weeks. The babies sure seem to enjoy relaxing in the sun and eating lots of icecream. We were at Katie & Marty's wedding on Saturday, July 12, and had a wonderful time. We were able to share the news a little more and told our Aunt Pam and Uncle Paul we were having twins! (but sshhh, its was still a secret.)

Even Grandma & Grandpa Olsen were there to celebrate!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

9 week check on the babies

Our Dr. has lovelingly named our babies Baby A and Baby B.

After calling the Dr. on a Saturday night because I am a stressful mom already he agreed to check on the babies on a Sunday morning (He loves us :)

Everything looks great, they are happily growing in there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


At our 7 week ultrasound, June 16th 2008 we were ecstatic to find out

We decided to keep it a secret for a while but we were very excited about our two little bundles of joy growing in there!
Because we have two babies in there we will have ultrasounds every 2 weeks to check on the babies.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We are having a baby!!

After a very long weekend of suspision we left the beach early to find out if we were expecting. (apparently I am not as patient as I thought)
Our suspisions were true! We got a positive pregnancy test and our due date is officially January 31, 2009.
Joel couldnt be more excited! After making a few calls to share the news with close family, we celebrated with a movie, a beer for Joel and some sparkling cider for the mom-to-be.
We took a relaxing trip to the zoo the next day to just enjoy the news.