Bennett is doing great here in Olympia. He has been learning to eat and we are hoping to get rid of that yucky tube in his nose tomorrow. He is putting on weight like crazy and is officially tipping the scales at 6 pounds!
A little set back on our way to parole out of this joint has been reflux. Apparently the horrendous heart burn from pregnancy has carried over to our little one and he seems to be pretty miserable at times. It can be pretty hard on preemies because they havent developed a good way to stop it, while an older baby would just spit up. Other than that he is ready to go home so we will see how long this sets us back. It does sound like he will go home on some baby Zantac and a fancy crib wedge to prop him up when he sleeps.
We are really excited to get him home but we are more excited about taking home a super healthy baby so we are trying to be patient.
He does seem to get cuter every day and has so far got his skin tone from his mommy and the rest of his good looks from his dad. :)
We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed sneaking out of the hospital for Grandma Ruth's famous prime rib dinner! YUM!