Bennett had a great play date with his new friend Dane on Monday. He is the son of our friends Erin and Josh, They live near us and also have another daughter that was at school. It was great to see Erin and it was hilarious to see the boys play. They are doing all the same stuff except Dane had perfected a few things and Bennett was taking notes.
We have been working a ton on sounds after seeing our speech therapist for the past couple weeks. We have been working on copying mommy with "AAAHH" and "OOOHHH" and I am constantly trying with the "mamama" just hoping that he will soon start babbling.
Well, after leaving Dane's house and hearing him babble away all morning I started in on the sounds in the car and to my surprise I heard a faint "mamamama, babababa" from the back seat. I was so excited I recorded the beautiful sounds on my iphone :)
He has been working more and more on his standing to walk and Grandma Sandy and I went out and got him some new shoes this morning. We spent some time outside chasing the doggie and loving a few minutes of outside air. Man is this kiddo tuckered out when nap time comes.
A short clip of our outside play time...